Now I'm almost sorry I have the Flickr bug, because it allows me to share more photos than our baby book blog, Talk About it More, does. Far away relatives (that's all of them) can follow Fiona and Nora's growth more closely. But in order to do it right, I'd have to go back and Photoshop all the photos I might want to share to have a ghost of a chance of being able to fit even a fraction of them into my free monthly quota. (Part-time-on-call does have drawbacks).
Also, I have only been including photos of our daughters, ourselves, and people whom I have asked persmission or know to be comfortable with Flickr technology, and I'm even more vague when tagging. (We did find other sisters named Fiona and Nora through the wonder of Flickr tagging--whoa!) Am I morphing into a worrywart? Will I someday own 200 cats?
198 to go...
I have a suggestion to make the most of your free Flickr account. If you use the Flickr Uploadr, it will allow you to resize on the fly! So your big-biggy-big digital pics from your cam are smooshed to a more manageable size before they are uploaded and you don't have to do anything except drag the ones you want into the Uploadr screen. Cool stuff.
(I discovered this/realized the potential helping my friend Lindsey get her account set up. She is using Flickr as photo storage backup to save some room on her hard drive.)
Awesome-- thanks, librarychicken! (Waves as librarychicken flies away and her cape whips briskly through the air).
(Your last comment cracks me.)
How crazy is it that you found other Fiona/Nora sisters? Small, wacky world we line in, yo.
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