Monday, November 26, 2007

Bookmarklet goodness

Librarychicken reminds me how to do this every now and then, and this time I'm going to write it down so I can refer back when I forget, because it is that awesome. So sayeth librarychicken:

"On at the bottom there are links for both Firefox search plugins and bookmarklets. You highlight words on ANY Web page and it will search our catalog for that. You can do it with keywords, subject terms, and titles/authors (though it actually performs everything as a keyword search). I hope you like - spread the word!"

This is better than chai, friends, and that's saying something.

1 comment:

library chicken said...

I love you, sweet Jen, and not because you say nice things about me. Because you are one of the smartest, quirkiest, most hilarious chickens I know.