And, thanks to RSS feeds, I should have even more time to change the litter boxes! Why didn't I bother to choose between Bloglines and Google Reader a long time ago? I looked at both again, as well as a couple others, but since so many people have been raving about iGoogle on their blogs I decided to go with Google Reader, all else seeming roughly equal. If I become dissatisfied, I can change easily enough.
Now that I have all the blogs that I used to sit down and check every now and then entered into Google Reader, I'm a little overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of my reading material. Reading blogs is a little like eating Oreos. Unless you're paying attention, you really have no idea how much you're consuming. Casually glance down during a Battlestar Galactica commerical break only to discover an entire row of Oreos have gone down the cakehole. Think of the saturated fat alone!
But it's the same volume of information whether it's all neatly gathered or whether I go foraging for it myself, so I see no good reason not to let Google do the dirty work. Now I have more time for Battlestar Galactica. And Oreos.
I love my google reader AND oreos. But unfortunately discovered that the plastic row dividing thing in an oreo package does not recycle in FW, so I can't bring myself to buy them anymore. But if you are saying that you have oreos at your house, I'm there! Or maybe this wasn't about oreos, but about blogs. In which case, I believe that they are recyclable, so I can read them. But is the delivery system recyclable? I have confused myself and this comment. So I'll just say: hooray for google reader and oreos!
Oh, and welcome back!
i agree. oreos and blogs are both delicious. but only oreos tastes better dunked in milk.
As my favorite Chicken says, just because it's there doesn't mean you have to read it. You're allowed to read only the things you absolutely love, and click through everything else. It's okay!
If you are back, do you have your L2.0 T-shirt? If so could we have a picture as proof? :-)
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