Ancora imparo: (Latin) "I am still learning".
Even though the sound was too slow for my taste (guess that tells me a little bit about what kind of learner I am, anyhow), I enjoyed the presentation about lifelong learners. It's a good thing for people in libraries to remember to keep new exciting stuff in our toolkits, and to be learning new things constantly.
At home, we are trying unschooling on for size. Together, Fiona, Nora and I are reading and playing a lot and learning about subjects across the curriculum by delighting our senses with Schoolhouse Earth. It's a really fun way to incorporate age-appropriate skills with current interests and local options. This week, for example, a friend offered us the last of his grapes. We picked grapes and toured his garden together, which was previously blogged here. Ian and I also made juice from the grapes that evening. Tonight we made our first batch of grape jelly. And if you haven't read quite enough about making grape jelly yet, read Catherine Newman's blog posts here. That woman is a riot! If you enjoy her in the least, be sure to check out Waiting for Birdy.
We lifelong learners just never quit unschooling ourselves. I know I have a gazillion things I want to learn more about-- knitting, singing, organic gardening, building, sewing, ukulele, Spanish language, historic homes... and that's just the tip of the iceberg! And, when you think about it, when life is this fascinating, why would anyone want to stop learning?
NB: In fact, here's the project I want to work on next Spring. Want to work on it with me, fellow lifelong learner?